more fevered sleep

My voice went out on me yesterday. I wouldn’t have known except that my landlord came over to fix the sink. After talking to him, I could no longer speak. Stupid flu.

I took some Nyqil last night. It put me right to sleep, and I stayed there for several hours. Then I woke up in sweat-soaked sheets, surprised to be alive. I thought “if there’s a God, he must like me.” Then I realized that I was cold and sore and choked with mucous but still too groggy to move, so I revised my earlier estimate of God’s sentiments toward me.

I awoke several more times during the night and into the morning, each time being rather pleasantly surprised at first, and soon having that surprise turn into dismay and then once again into sleep. Finally I was just too cold to stay in bed, so I dressed and went for a thermometer, thinking I must really be chilled. Well, my fever was down to 100.0 but the bedroom was really cold.

Now I’m having some tea and aspirin.

Sangeeta’s quote of the day (so far): “I know you’re sick, but you can still clean something!”

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