it just doesn’t let up does it?
This morning was rough.
It started early with a trip to the pediatrician. With our regular pediatrician on vacation, there was some mixup as to who would see our girl, how we would pay for it, what her name was, how to spell her name (Sangeeta still can’t spell it), and what the name of the substitute doctor was. I almost screamed.
It turns out that Saranya shrank half an inch and gained 3 pounds since last time we visited. Needless to say, they aren’t too careful when they weigh and measure the babies. Oh yeah, and this time they didn’t make us strip her nekkid so she was wearing a diaper, onesie, sweater, and pants-with-built-in-socks to help with her ballast. In the end she got three shots and did a whole lot of crying. And she has wax in her ear.
Then I tried to get my foot X-rayed, but my doctor had failed to fill out the paperwork so the X-ray tech wouldn’t do the job.
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