Krav Maga class 24: belt pull drill, advancing front kick, stomp kicks, inside and outside defenses with a 3rd attacker, escape from back mount/rnc
Christian’s Tuesday night class. Warmup was a stress drill! We got into groups of 2 and had to throw repeated and varied strikes to a tombstone pad. Then we did the same thing in groups of 3 with one person pulling the striker back with a belt. I got to go twice while Christian held the pad for me and Brian. Cardio!
Then we did kicks. Advancing front kicks and front/side/rear stomp kicks. We did a drill where we had to fend off our partner with a straight leg. Then we did a plank kicking drill where one partner got in plank position and the other kicked them in the abdomen and legs to toughen them up.
Next we did inside/outside defenses with counters. I SUCK at inside defenses. I SUCK at counters with defenses. I’m too slow to see them, and don’t get my defenses up in time. Then we got into groups of 3 and had the 3rd person try to attack but the defender could kick them away.
Our last exercise was defense against back mount with a rear naked choke. Brian kept re-wrapping my near leg in almost a backward half-guard. Made it tough to escape. I ended up hurting both my big toes, jamming them into the front of my shoes during that drill. Let’s see how they recover.
[Edit: Toes are feeling better in the morning. :]
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