Krav Maga Class 42: shoulder tag, inside defenses, one hand inside defenses, boxing sparring
Curtis’ Saturday KM All class. Saranya was doing her first ever BJJ class with Jasmine (we didn’t know it would be going on, so she didn’t bring her gi) while I was working.
Class started with shoulder tag. I accidentally poked my finger into Calvin’s nose. Sorry, Calvin.
Then, thai pads and combinations followed by a knee. I partnered up with white belt Mike.
After that we worked on inside defenses, which is great because I suck at them. Mike and I went slow and I don’t know how much I improved but I feel like maybe I did. We also did defense against straight punch to the body. Then we did one hand defenses against straight punches. Then we put on boxing gloves and headgear.
As I was getting my stuff, Christian yelled at me from the kids’ training room that Saranya knew how to pull guard. I yelled “Yeah!”. I’m so proud. :)
I got to introduce Mike to sparring. We started one handed, then switched who was one handed, and then went normal.
After that I sparred with Scott, Alex, and Renée. Scott got me a few times. Alex was being showy and elusive, so I just started chasing him around with punches (to the great satisfaction of Curtis). Renee and I traded some pretty good shots. She’d just come in and wail on me and get out, so I started trying to time her with uppercuts as she came in.
And that was class.
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