Gout again?
Woke up in the wee hours of the morning with a swollen, painful right foot. Feels like gout again. Got up to take meds and was unable to go back to sleep because of the pain. Meds eventually took the edge off the the pain and I got a late morning nap, but putting on shoes was not going to happen. I’m feeling very sad about this.
Edit: By day 2 the pain had reduced by 60% but was still making walking very uncomfortable. Still no shoes. Still limping. Still taking meds.
Edit: By day 3 the pain had reduced by 70% but was still making walking uncomfortable. I could wear shoes but had to limp to protect the right big toe. No meds today.
Edit: By Monday (day 4) I was able to walk with just a little aching on the inside of the right foot.