Krav Maga Class 52: shadow boxing, shoulder tag, bursting punches, jumping knees, gun from front, side, 3rd party
Saturday morning class with TJ. I went into the class feeling very sore and tired. Sarala had called the house and woke me up before 6am, and I’d been up pretty late. The only reason I went is because Saranya was going to her BJJ class, and I’d feel like a heel sitting out of class while everybody else trained.
So I went to class. Warm ups went fine. I did pretty well at shoulder tag with Alex. He’s really good at moving, but he consistently underestimated my range. We seemed pretty evenly matched, which is unusual. Maybe he was having an off day, or maybe I really am getting better.
I paired up with asian Mike for most of the partner work, which made for an easy class. He took a long time being confused and failing to execute the basic motions. He’s very uncoordinated. It’ll be cool to see him start to get it and build his skills. Anyway, we did focus mitts, bursting punches, and scissoring(jumping) knees. Mike was a noob, but he started getting it. I did okay.
At the end, we did gun defenses from the front (both regular and 2-hand cup methods) and from the left side in front of the arm. For these I paired with Scott. It went well. Then we mixed in with asian Mike to do 3rd party gun defense.
The stress drill was with a row of chairs like a movie theater or a bus aisle. A gunman walked down the aisle, intent on executing the person in the front. It was up to those in the seats behind to execute the gun defense. I was the first gunman, and then took the first seat and stayed there until the end, when TJ accidentally punched Jeff in the mouth and then pithily asked “You want another one?” Haha TJ, but poor Jeff. On Thursday I bloodied his nose, and now he gets popped in the mouth. He took it well though.
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