Krav Maga Class 59: shadow boxing, odd angle strikes, multiple attackers, chokes from behind, gun from behind, hostage defense

TJ’s back, and his ribs are messed up worse.

Renee also has messed up ribs. Oh, and Josh too. Ha!

Sorry. Just glad to know I’m not the only one.

So, shadow boxing. Running the gauntlet on multiple heavy bags. Odd angles of attack. Unconventional strikes.

Multiple attackers. Combos on focus mitts interrupted by a padholder with a kick shield holding for odd angle attacks.

Gloves off, choke from behind with pluck. Forearm choke defense and carotid choke defense.

Gun from behind, then choke + gun to side of head (hostage) defense.

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Krav Maga Class 58: shoulder tag, calisthenics, straight punches, groin kicks, gun from front

Christian finished a private lesson for Arlene and Franco before the 10am Tuesday class.

We lined up, got the clean white belt dissertation, and went into shoulder tag. Then knee tag. No injuries.

Then we did calisthenics. HEAVY ab work today. Not bad, but ended in a butt walk that I sucked at.

Straight punches with MMA gloves, a la KMW level 1 classes. 1-2 and then bursting punch. Also we did front kick to the groin. Finally we did a combat circuit interrupted with squats, sprawls, push ups and sit ups. Got me breathing heavy and sweating profusely.

After that we went out back for gun-from-the-front defense. Paired with Thomas, and it went well. :)

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Krav Maga Class 57: shadow boxing, level 1 chokes, outside thai pads and sparring, being mounted defenses

TJ’s Saturday morning class. I went in feeling pretty good after 3 straight days of very very VERY sore thighs from medicine ball squats.

Started with shadow boxing, then added small hand weights and continued shadow boxing. Good shoulder workout I guess. Mixed in calisthenics, then stretching.

Partnered up with Ray and went back and forth with level 1 chokes. I forgot the “shoot the arm up, bicep to ear” bit from the push from behind, and I couldn’t get the basket action right because Ray kept pulling his hands back. Other than that, I felt I did a pretty good job.

Then we gloved up, got thai pads, and went outside to the back alley to do some combinations on rough terrain under the sun. Ray was all about staying in the shade (Thanks Ray!) but he was very inventive about the terrain and the combinations. I like Ray. :) After the first round of combos, we added kicks in as finishing moves.

Then we geared up fully for some one minute sparring. I sparred with Ray, Mike, Scott, Ronnie, and Rick. Rick was in sandals, and he was still a monster. Very scary.

Then it was back into the cool classroom to get back on the mat and go over some ground defense. One guy on top with boxing gloves would mount the defender and rain down strikes, while the guy on bottom would defend by moving and blocking. I did pretty good. Ray took a few blows more, but he was also decent. Then we added the buck/trap/roll defense and practiced that. Then we switched partners for the mounted rape choke defense, so Mike and I practiced that a bit. That’s a move I don’t ever anticipate having to put into practice.

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Krav Maga class 56: medicine ball squats, kicks, combative combinations, wrist release, stress

Christian showed up 8 minutes before class on this Tuesday morning after a long 4th of July weekend. Wrapped up my hands, grabbed a 15 lb medicine ball, pulled out a bag, and we lined up and got going.

We did a circuit. 30 seconds each exercise.

  1. Medicine ball squats
  2. Knees to heavy bag
  3. Medicine ball squats
  4. Front kicks to heavy bag
  5. Medicine ball squats
  6. Groin kicks to partner’s tombstone pad
  7. Medicine ball squats
  8. Holding pad for partner’s groin kicks
  9. Medicine ball squats
  10. Knees to heavy bag
  11. Medicine ball squats
  12. Front kicks to heavy bag
  13. Medicine ball squats
  14. Groin kicks to partner’s tombstone pad
  15. Medicine ball squats
  16. Holding pad for partner’s groin kicks
  17. Medicine ball squats

Then some abbreviated stretching before we went into… leg kicks. Great. But it went well. Teamed up with Thomas. Starting with easy, controlled kicks to the thighs. Then we held the tombstone to the thigh to receive harder kicks. I thought the downward round kick would tweak my knee too, but not so much. Finally, we did a drill where we did leg kick + 2 punch combo all the way across the mat and back. Thomas was gassing pretty hard. I was alright.

Then we did elbow, hammer fist, elbow-or-punch, clinch, and 2 knees. This was very good practice for me, focusing on efficiency and on footwork + balance.

After that, we did wrist release drills and then stress drill with level 1 chokes. I survived without further injury, but my legs are so tired!

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Krav Maga class 55: kick blocking and sparring (first day back)

TJ’s Saturday KM All class was packed with 3 black belts and 7 intermediate students. Started with shadow boxing and shoulder tag, mixing in calisthenics, and then we stretched. My knee held up okay.

Next we put on focus mitts and boxing gloves, and we practiced bobbing and weaving, covering, body blocks, inside defenses, with combos. Then we did combos with kicks and checking, moving on to body and head kick defenses. Very nervous time about the knee, but everybody went light on me (unlike BJJ blue belt Eric, who got me in this predicament in the first place!)

We ended with sparring, and I survived. Gave as well as I got, I guess. Didn’t get injured.

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Injuries mount

I went hiking with my family and Rob and his kids on Sunday. Afterward, we ate at Sharky’s, and after that, my left big toe became too painful to walk on. I also noticed that my groin muscles were still sore from 9 days before, my left MCL (inner knee) was still very sore and getting worse. Then on Monday I could only limp around UCLA, but by the time I got home I had strained my soleus (calf) from all the limping, and my toe hurt worse than ever. Ouch!

That ruled out training on Tuesday. I rested, and I hurt.

Wednesday was more pain and limping, but minimizing the ambulation seemed to help.

Thursday morning was a work meeting during class time, so no training again, but the pain would have precluded that possibility anyway. The foot still hurts. If it isn’t better by Saturday morning, I’m going to schedule a doctor appointment come Monday morning.

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Krav Maga Class 54: Thai pads, overhand punch, headbutts, long gun

TJ’s Saturday morning class. Warm up by Eric (“Thor”) which went 10 minutes and was pretty effective. Then TJ was done with his administrative duties or whatever and took up teaching the class.

We started with Thai pads, combos with kicks. I partnered with Eric, and he taught me a little bit. It’s nice partnering with a black belt. :)

Next was a little bit of overhand punch practice into the tombstone pads. I kind of hurt my hand a little bit, but not too bad. After that, we learned that the counter to an overhand right is an overhand left while tucking the chin into the left shoulder.

Then we learned and practiced headbutts. Front headbutts, either with a grab or without. A front headbutt without grabbing the target is really a brute power move, but if you grab the target and line it up (like driving their head back first to get a straight shot at their face) it felt like I wasn’t able to generate nearly as much force. Anyway, we did side headbutts (turn while tucking your chin and then headbutt with the forehead) and back headbutts (keep chin tucked and thrust hips forward as the head smacks backward) and upward headbutts (bent over, whip the head up into the chin).

At the end, we did long gun defenses. Two techniques moving to live side, and one while moving to dead side.

The first live side defense involves first a redirection, moving the barrel to the side with your palm while blading your shoulders. From this initial redirection, drop to a lower level so the barrel is above your shoulder, so you can burst in under the gun level, sliding your redirecting hand up to the back part of the gun while the other arm underhooks the gun. From here, put weight down on the gun while sending combatives, mainly headbutts and kicks to the groin. Your hands are occupied so you can’t really throw punches or elbows. From there, re-grip the barrel toward the end (for best leverage) and torque the weapon by pulling down on the butt end while attempting to drive the barrel overhand into the face of the gunman. This should let you get the gun away.

The second live side defense starts the same (redirection and blading) but then the other hand traces down the redirecting hand to control the barrel. Then the redirecting hand is free to move down the weapon and grip it toward the butt end and put weight on the gun. Combatives are then deployed to distract the gunman and loosen the grip, and then the take-away is very similar to the first technique.

The dead side approach involves moving toward the attacker’s back after redirecting the gun the opposite way (towards their live side). After the redirect, grip the weapon and land a punch to the face with the off hand. Use the resulting reaction and/or disorientation to grab the butt end with the punching hand. Headbutt to further loosen and distract, because there’s no soft target for the knees at this angle. Then “paddle” the gun out, pushing it down and out under the attacker’s elbow to break the grip, then bringing it up and out to take it away.

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Krav Maga Class 53: head movement, overhand right, covering, sparring

TJ’s Thursday morning class. I hurried out after searching vainly for my hand wraps, got gas at Costco (I was very low) and made it early enough to have an emergency bathroom trip. I came into class with a left MCL sprain from 2 weeks ago.

TJ opened the class with requests. I asked to be shown the overhand punch. Thomas wanted to see covering.

We started with shadow boxing, emphasizing head movement. Then we went to shoulder tag. Then back and forth, with calisthenics mixed in. Stretching, etc.

We started with the overhand punch. You throw it by dropping your weight and winging your fist over your head, thumb down toward the ground, into the target. Holding focus mitts for overhand punches is painful! We had a group of 3 people so it was crappy.

We went over covering and countering with the same hand. That was awkward. I didn’t get a chance to practice that, because of the 3 people.

At the end we did sparring. I got a bruise in the center of my forehead from Jeff. At least I didn’t bloody his nose this time.

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Krav Maga Class 52: shadow boxing, shoulder tag, bursting punches, jumping knees, gun from front, side, 3rd party

Saturday morning class with TJ. I went into the class feeling very sore and tired. Sarala had called the house and woke me up before 6am, and I’d been up pretty late. The only reason I went is because Saranya was going to her BJJ class, and I’d feel like a heel sitting out of class while everybody else trained.

So I went to class. Warm ups went fine. I did pretty well at shoulder tag with Alex. He’s really good at moving, but he consistently underestimated my range. We seemed pretty evenly matched, which is unusual. Maybe he was having an off day, or maybe I really am getting better.

I paired up with asian Mike for most of the partner work, which made for an easy class. He took a long time being confused and failing to execute the basic motions. He’s very uncoordinated. It’ll be cool to see him start to get it and build his skills. Anyway, we did focus mitts, bursting punches, and scissoring(jumping) knees. Mike was a noob, but he started getting it. I did okay.

At the end, we did gun defenses from the front (both regular and 2-hand cup methods) and from the left side in front of the arm. For these I paired with Scott. It went well. Then we mixed in with asian Mike to do 3rd party gun defense.

The stress drill was with a row of chairs like a movie theater or a bus aisle. A gunman walked down the aisle, intent on executing the person in the front. It was up to those in the seats behind to execute the gun defense. I was the first gunman, and then took the first seat and stayed there until the end, when TJ accidentally punched Jeff in the mouth and then pithily asked “You want another one?” Haha TJ, but poor Jeff. On Thursday I bloodied his nose, and now he gets popped in the mouth. He took it well though.

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Krav Maga class 51: shadow boxing, shoulder tag, focus mitt combos with bursts, stick defense

TJ’s Thursday morning class. I got there late and had to finish wrapping my hands during shadow boxing. I was upset because Sangeeta yelled at me for her not being able to remember the word “garage” and that somehow became my fault, and my dad’s fault. She was stressed and she was starting to blame me for her emotional state, so I tried to not take it personal. But it still messed with me and it was making me teeter between anger and depression.

Long arms served me well in shoulder tag. Dinged my right thumb and it didn’t hurt, so that’s a HUGE milestone.

Then we put on gloves and focus mitts and started throwing down combos. I’m getting better at holding mitts. I held for new guy and green belt David. He liked to throw a cross on the 4, so I held for that. I hurt my biceps throwing hooks again, but dinging my right thumb didn’t re-aggravate it, so I think I might be past that injury (finally!) We did lots of lunging punches.

After that, we geared up and sparred. One minute rounds with immediate partner changes. I started with Jeff. He was tagging me a few times, but he didn’t have his glasses on so I also was able to tag him a bunch. I really need to work on my head movement. Anyway, next I paired up with Thomas. We went really lightly. Then David. He’s short so I used my reach a bunch, but I was getting tired. Then Jeff again. I caught him with an upper cut coming in, and his nose started bleeding. I told him it was the first upper cut I’d ever landed in sparring. Finally, Thomas again. I caught him with a body shot that he said he really felt. It wasn’t that hard, but I guess it was a clean shot, and I didn’t expect it to land clean. That’s the thing about Thomas – he leaves the body open.

So I learned through repeated experience that I need to move my head around more and avoid getting hit in it.

At the end of class we learned stick defense. Make a ramp defense and a simultaneous bursting punch, control the stick arm, combatives, and take away the stick.

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